domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009


Hey visitor...

As the leadership of AIESEC in 0910, we are Generation 2010! We have the opportunity to deliver the final, most important, stage of AIESEC's 2010 vision. This is no small challenge; however, it is one we are ready to meet! Think about the past AIESEC generations who were searching the same as us: GLOBAL PEACE TROUGH POSIVITE AGENTS IMPACT.

Year 2010 is coming closer, and we need to think about our achieventms that we have contributed to AIESEC 2010 vision. Think about a minute and answer this questiosn for your self:

  • Do I act sustainably?
  • Do I make a positive impact in my society?
  • Do I have develop some skills like leadership, time & team management , etc.?
  • How I'm contributing to AIESEC vision 2010?
Think about, is just important to notice you that we are near to live an important event next year, remember "Ever day, every member, everywhere...". WE ARE GENERATION 2010.

miércoles, 29 de julio de 2009

Habeums LC2CL cooperation with AIESEC Central america South Local Committe Universidad de Costa Rica

Great news guys!!! Jair Avilés, Vicepresident of Information Management area, passed a week in Costa Rica with his family due to their summer vacation. Jair took the opportunity to contact a San jose Local Committee of Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). He contact the local committee vicepresident of Outgoing Exchanges, Hanna Perez and the Incoming Exchanges Vicepresident Diego Fonseca. Jair presente the idea to have and LC to LC cooperation with them, such as pocket recruitments, CEEDers, conferences opportunity and more... Congrats to me jejejeje. Let's achieve this opportunity to grow up guys!!! PURA VIDA QUEXOPA COSTA RICA & PANAMA!!!!

RND 2009. LC IPN assisted

With the biggest delegation on the conferences (24 delegates) AIESEC | IPN assist to RND & CONNECT agenda at La Salle on 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th of July. In this congress Executive Boards elected assisted for presenting their plannings and Local Committees reports. For members who are on Taking Rresponsability stage they have learning circles and capacitations about their new responsibilities on their respectives Local Committees to achieve 400 exchanges during this TERM.

There was a Gala dinner on Thursday 16ht, were our founder and friend, Francisco Santos, was recognized due to rheir support to AIESEC | IPN and AIESEC MEXICO. THANKS MR. SANTOS!!!!

AIESEC | IPN has the best planning, due to their needs and best analysis of it., until we lose vote on the national plenary, we have to work hard. WE HAVE TO BE THE BEST Local Committee NEXT YEAR GUYS!!! CHEERS!!!

9th International Congress. Challengues and expectatiosn about University. GOT IT!!!

Last 17th, 18th & 19th AIESEC | IPN participate on the 9th International Congress about Challengues and expectations about university. Special recognitions to Luis Dominguez, who participated in the logistics of this congress, Jair Aviles and Diana Palacios who participated as panel participants and all the members who went to the venue who attented the AIESEC STAND to people interested in AIESEC. Let's grow LC!!!

Inauguration Inauguration 2

Inauguration 3 Luis 1

Luis 2 Panel 1

Luis 2 Stand 1

Panel 2 Panel 3

miércoles, 3 de junio de 2009

-9th International Congress. Challengues and expectatiosn about University.

AIESEC | IPN invites you to the 9th International Congress. Challengues and expectatiosn about University. The IPN is the host of this meeting, as

as venue.

The main objectives of the congress is reflecting about the new challenges that have had the University education, since the Global Declaration about Superior Education, also to examine the new scenes of the world and how do they affect the education.

There would be many activities, such as panels, magistral conferences and workshops.

For more information visit the oficial web page of the congress:

sábado, 11 de abril de 2009

SMI Spring 2009

Last 21st &22nd of March it was realized the first Induction Motivational Seminar which was organaized by 3 local committees from Mexico city. LC UNAM, LC IPN and LC EBC.

All the delegates(newies) arrived at the bus station central on"Observatorio" subway station to run alone near Toluca at 9:00 A.M. Everybody arrived at "San Miguelito" ranch's wich was on "San Bartolo del Progreso" Town. Once the SMI started, there were 4 teams leaded by: Jorge Zarate(IPN, Sandra Villaseñor(UNAM), Olga Bustamante(IPN) and Lucia Pacheco(IPN trainee).

There were integration activities, team buildings, funtional tracks, learnig circles and sessiones in which newies learn about AIESEC activites and local areas. The funtional tracks of the areas were imparted by the best members and Trainees which every LC have: Outgoing Exchanges by Jorge Zarate(IPN), Incoming Exchange by Lizbeth Ayala(IPN), Information Managemenet by Jair Avilés (IPN), Communications by Victor Aguilar(UNAM) and Ricardo Giles(IPN), Finance by David Ramirez (IPN), External Relationships by Dulce Acosta (UNAM), Projects by Laura Duarte(IPN), Alumni by Mayela Franco(IPN) and Talent Managemenet by Mariana Malvaez(UNAM) and Michell Balderas(EBC).

The Chair, Ricardo Giles(IPN) and the Presidents of the Organizer Commitee, Mayela Franco(IPN), Michell Balderas(EBC) & Marco Chavarria(UNAM) wants to thank to every members and newies for their valiuos efforts and work during this seminar.


For more photos please visit our Flickr Channel.

jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

LC IPN in Delivery of Certificates of CACECA (Accreditation Council on the Teaching of Accounting and Administration).

The Tuesday March 24, 2009 CACECA had an important event in the Museum of Anthropology and History, where the objective was delivery accreditations to high schools and universities. These institutes complied with the standards of quality of them careers. In this event were authorities for the education, public and privates universities the different states of México. The ceremony started with the Eduardo Avalos´ speech president of CACECA who said in some words the importance of the certification for the schools that represent the quality of education. After the speech representatives of different institutes like the Lawyers Collage, Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN), Instituto Tecnologico de México (ITAM) took the word for support the importance of the quality for the education.

“During the event CACECA gave awards to more one hundred accreditations.”

The AIESEC IPN local committee had important participation in the event. The members received the authorities of different institutes and collaborate in support to logistic team of CACECA.After the event the president of CACECA and representatives of different institutes took a picture in front of the museum and after that they share a cocktail.



Special recongnitions for our Current LCVP ER Martin, who was a general director of a superior school for one night LOL!!! xD

martes, 24 de marzo de 2009

LC IPN visits a home-care of childs.

Place: Casa-Hogar “Elisa-Margarita”

Date: Thursday 26th, February 2009.

Responsible: ALUMNI coordination.

What’s happened?

The LC has lived one of the most beautiful experiences sharing a wonderful day with 31 girls who live in a orphanage. The aim of this visit was give them an unforgettable day full of games, smiles, love and happiness and encourage them to look for a successful life and of course join to AIESEC.

How did we do that?

It was very easy we just needed a huge heart, enthusiasm and help from our faithful alumnus and friend Lic. Eduardo Avalos who provided to the girls provisions which are going to be useful for long time. He was one of the most important parts of this experience. We also have to recognize that it could be impossible without Mr. Assemat’s

support and obviously all of the clothes, toys,

shoes and food donated by members of the LC.

We’ve opened our hearts and noticed that we have a lot of love to give, smiles to share, wrong things to change. We’ve learned more about us and the gorgeous things we can do together.

ALUMNI Coordination

jueves, 19 de febrero de 2009


Last week(11th, 12th February), with the AIESEC IPN organization, we celebrate a Global Village in School Superior of Tourism(EST) and The Foreign languages Center(CENLEX) of the IPN, campus Zacatenco.

We had as guests the Saudi Arabi, Austria, France, Nigeria, Turkey & Finland embassies. They were on stands showing us about their folklore of their countries and giving information about scholarships to study in their countries.

We want to thanks specially to Ricardo Giles and Alexa Freeman for their hard work as OCP's. GOOD JOB GUYS!!!!!

viernes, 6 de febrero de 2009


Last 15th, 16th, 17th & 18th January's was ocurred an important conference in AIESEC México with 2 agendas. CONAL(National Congress) & SDL(Leadershio development seminar).

The main objectives of the agendas were:

CONAL: In CONAL AIESEC Mexico elect new MC team , present LCs reports, make changes in compendium, approve LCs organizing next conferences and give training for EB and experienced members.

SDL: Encouraging people to take leadership positions as well as educating about what it is to be a leader and how to develop leaders in themselves.

During the conference the participants had a chance to view different perspectives on leadership, such that they develop a strong personal understanding of the broad tern “leadership”. It should be made possible for them to develop an understanding if and to what extent leadership is relevant or evena predominant part of their lives.

The venue was our lovely school IPN at Architecture and Engineering Superior School (ESIA). Our LC was preparing very hard for this conference.


Durign the conference we past an incredible time, making network with another delegates of AIESEC Mexico. We have a lot of fun with the parties and we can met our Alumni's during a Gala Dinner

The main moment arrived when we finaly know the MCP Elected for the next term 2009-2010.

An the winner was

Rosario Uriarte(LCP of LC CU)

Congratulations to her. We know that she is going to make a great job as MCP.


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