martes, 24 de marzo de 2009

LC IPN visits a home-care of childs.

Place: Casa-Hogar “Elisa-Margarita”

Date: Thursday 26th, February 2009.

Responsible: ALUMNI coordination.

What’s happened?

The LC has lived one of the most beautiful experiences sharing a wonderful day with 31 girls who live in a orphanage. The aim of this visit was give them an unforgettable day full of games, smiles, love and happiness and encourage them to look for a successful life and of course join to AIESEC.

How did we do that?

It was very easy we just needed a huge heart, enthusiasm and help from our faithful alumnus and friend Lic. Eduardo Avalos who provided to the girls provisions which are going to be useful for long time. He was one of the most important parts of this experience. We also have to recognize that it could be impossible without Mr. Assemat’s

support and obviously all of the clothes, toys,

shoes and food donated by members of the LC.

We’ve opened our hearts and noticed that we have a lot of love to give, smiles to share, wrong things to change. We’ve learned more about us and the gorgeous things we can do together.

ALUMNI Coordination


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